Portland Pride Pages
Portland's LGBTQ+ Business Directory
Portland's Inclusive Yellow Pages
A greater Portland directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies who serve the gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual, + communities.
Creating affirming and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, one business at a time.
Community Spotlight
Wright Congregational -
United Church of Christ (UCC)
Reverend Heather Miner
"As one who fell in love in mid-life, and is in a committed relationship, with one of my gender, I know how difficult it is to be in an uncommon relationship. I also know a deep and abiding love without which my life would be so much less."
Denise Minard
April Alves
"They are a safe haven where I can be myself without judgment. In this tribe and church community, I find understanding and support in good times and bad times."
"The sermon was delivered by a female pastor, new for me, and was given with such passion and conviction that I truly believed her heart was full of GOD."
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