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Portland Pride Pages
Portland's LGBTQ+ Business Directory
Portland's Inclusive Yellow Pages
A greater Portland directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies who serve the gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual, + communities.
Creating affirming and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, one business at a time.
LGBTQ+ Jobs, Careers, and Friendly Places to work in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington
Workplace Change
Workplace Change
Serilda Summers-McGee (She/Her)
Portland, ORPhone: (503) 847-9421
A note from Serilda (she/her) at Workplace Change:"I founded Workplace Change to ensure workplaces were safe and responsive to people from historically unsupported communities. Specifically, BIPOC and members of the LGBTQIA+ communities. Since leading my company, we have helped organizations establish more inclusive workplace policies that acutely support LGBTQIA+ members such as insurance benefits for gender affirming care, workforce inclusion training, policies on misgendering, progressive disciplinary processes for microaggressions in the workplace, and zero tolerance policies for exclusionary and/or aggressive behavior towards the LGBTQIA+ community."
Starlight Knitting Society
A carefully curated selection of yarns, tools and accessories for knitting, crochet and other crafts.
7028 SE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206
Phone: (503) 777-1715
LGBTQ + Friendly Places to Work
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