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Portland Pride Pages
Portland's LGBTQ+ Business Directory
Portland's Inclusive Yellow Pages
A greater Portland directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies who serve the gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual, + communities.
Creating affirming and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, one business at a time.
Find top-rated LGBTQ-friendly pet services in Portland! Our directory features inclusive veterinarians, dog groomers, pet sitters, and dog walkers dedicated to excellent, compassionate care. Trust our Portland professionals to provide the best for your dogs and cats in an affirming environment. Explore the best LGBTQ-friendly pet services in Portland today!
Dog Groomers
We frequently get requests for more Dog Groomers, Pet Care, Pet Training, Veterinarians and more that are Gay, Transgender, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Queer, and LGBTQ+ Affirming. If you know of any Pet friendly businesses that are also LGBTQ Friendly, please tell them about this website so we may get them on the website and email me at
Pet Sitting
We frequently get requests for more Dog Groomers, Pet Care, Pet Training, Veterinarians and more that are Gay, Transgender, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Queer, and LGBTQ+ Affirming. If you know of any Pet friendly businesses that are also LGBTQ Friendly, please tell them about this website so we may get them on the website and email me at
Pets, Dogs, Cat, and Animal Vendors
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